Technology and application development methodologies have evolved over the years. Even processing and storage have progressed immensely. Newer methodologies and concepts like Agile, DevOps, CICD have been adopted to make software development cycle more efficient.
Given the progress we have made one would assume that we write less code and deliver more to the end user.
However, we are still doing a lot of repetitive work. We have not drawn benefits from encapsulation of good design and architecture components. The tendency is to build a solution from scratch. Thereby redoing what has already been done, repeating mistakes and creating similar issues that have previously been solved.
Over three decades of consulting, solutions engineering, architecting, modernization of legacy applications and product development work we have done for companies across the globe in various industries like Banking, Treasury and Capital Markets, Insurance, HealthCare, Automobiles, Education, Transportation & Logistics, Publishing, Regulatory & Compliance bodies has given us deep insights into building such component-based solutions.
These component-based solutions draw benefits from the encapsulation of good design and architecture, thus accelerating the speed of implementing ideas.
FeldsparTech offers to provide the necessary encapsulations to help IT and non IT professionals perform rapid prototyping and implement their ideas quickly without worrying about the complexities of coding.