Using excel sheets for data is easy. But if the size increases and there are controls ( role-based access or approval flows) you want to implement then it is difficult to use excel or google sheets.
For scale and efficiency you need an application. You can now convert your excel sheet into a cloud application with just a few clicks. (Watch the video)
Below are the THREE easy steps to convert your excel into a cloud based application!
Assumption : you have already created your subdomain from the FeldsparTech website. If not then this is the first thing you need to do ( How to create a subdomain withFeldsparTech )
Login to subdomain you have created
Check your excel sheet once for name of columns and worksheets.
Field names in the application will be created based on column names in the worksheets.
Each work sheet will be converted into a module. (In this case the worksheets are : Patients, Visits, Questionnaire)
After login the following page will appear.
Fill in the details. Upload excel and hit 'CREATE'.
The application is ready for use!
Click on "Patients" and the following page will appear.
(Similarly clicking on "Visits" and "Questionnaire" will show corresponding data from the excel sheet.)
With the new application you can perform the following activities:
Global SEARCH on your data
CREATE new entries using "ADD ITEM"
UPDATE a record by clicking on the edit icon (pencil)
DELETE a record by clicking on the bin icon
Create new USERS for the system
CREATE new entries
UPDATE existing data
CREATE new users
Share login and password with the newly created users and invite them to access the application!
It takes less than one minute to create a CRUD application on the cloud with all your excel sheet data uploaded!
Contact us if you need help with the process or mail us at